Office:727-239-0089 Cell: 727-656-4292
CFC # 1432423
89 Leak Detection
Pipe Repair
We Help Homeowners Locate and Fix Water Leaks
Specialize in Residential Repipes, Slab Leak Repairs, and Stopping High Water Bills
How much does Leak Detection cost in Pinellas Park, FL? Here in America, leak detection costs can vary from state to state. Many factors affect the price. Generally speaking the cost of leak detection is determined by two factors. The first factor; is the amount of TIME that is spent to locate the leak.
For example: (A one story home with one bathroom/kitchen, on its own water meter. Will take LESS TIME to search than.)
(A three story apartment building with 3 units having two bathrooms each , using one main water meter for all three units, is going to take MORE TIME to search.)
The second factor ; is the amount of SPECIALTY EQUIPMENT necessary to determine where the leak is coming from.
For example; Infrared thermal imaging cameras, ultrasonic listening devices, Ground-penetrating microphones,radio transmitters, frequency receivers, moisture detectors,Wall scope cameras, acoustik amplifiers,many other specialty tools and techniques.
89 Leak Detection uses all the specialty equipment listed above at no extra costs. And only charges for the time it takes to locate the source of the leak. Minimum charge for single family home inside Pinellas County is 138.00 for the first hour (75% of leaks that we locate are found in the first hour)(20% found in 2nd hr)(4%in 3rd hr)1% longer.
Maximum charge for single family home inside Pinellas County is 275.00 all depending on how long it takes to locate source of leak ……see pricing for more details